Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Angelina Jolie: Reptilian?

Angelina Jolie has recently made headlines with her double mastectomy. Sure she may have a legitimate health concern-but there's no conclusive evidence that reptilians aren't susceptible to cancer. PLUS her partner, Brad Pitt, is a noted Reptilian (as noted in the reptilian ensemble film, Ocean's Thirteen).

With this double mastectomy we may soon know if Angie is in fact a reptilian. How so, you ask. Well, the answer is quite simple. A double mastectomy will leave Jolie noticeably flat chested, so what happens when she shows up in her latest film full chested? Reptilian limb regrowth! It's the only possible solution.

For now no evidence has come forward to prove her reptilian origins one way or the other, but if we keep our eyes to her breasts we may know the truth soon enough!

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